Location & map

How to find us, including bus services and directions.

Most of the College's research and teaching activities take place at the King's Buildings Campus, which occupy a leafy 35 hectare site with beautiful views to Blackford Hill and Craigmillar Park Golf Course.

King's Buildings is about 3 km south of the city centre and about 1.5 km from the central university area and from the main student halls of residence.

The King's Buildings 




Detailed campus maps of all University sites, including King's Buildings Campus:

Campus maps (820.54 KB / PDF)

A King's Buildings self guided tour leaflet is also available.

KB Online Tour (1.45 MB / PDF)



Travelling to the King's Buildings



Student and staff parking

Parking information for visitors


Public bus services

A number of buses provide a public transport link between the University's central area and the King's Buildings throughout the year, both during and outside term times.

Travelling to the King's Buildings by bus


Additional facilities outside the King's Buildings Campus

The Royal Observatory Edinburgh is associated with the College and is situated only a few minutes from the King's Buildings Campus.

Royal Observatory Edinburgh

Some science and engineering teaching and research are also carried out in the central University area in the city centre. The Informatics Forum and the Bayes Centre at Potterow are centres for innovation and interaction.

School of Informatics & Bayes Centre location - Central Campus

There is also collaboration with associated institutions such as the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh and the Roslin Institute.

Roslin Institute location

The University also has a large veterinary farm located at the Bush Estate 10km outside Edinburgh.

Easter Bush location