
Committees in the College of Science and Engineering.

Click on the desired committee to view:

  • membership lists 
  • dates of meetings 
  • agendas and papers
Committee name Description
College Curriculum Approval Board (CCAB)

Has responsibility for approving new programmes in line with the University's Programme and Course Approval and Management Policy.

College Computing Professionals Advisory Group (CCPAG) Provides strategic technical input for the CCITC.
College Equality and Diversity Committee (CED) Monitors and considers issues related to equality and diversity, and supports equal opportunity initiatives within the College.
College Impact Committee (CIC) Membership of which consists of Impact Champions and PURE Impact Editors from each School, is predominantly concerned with developing and implementing the Schools' Impact strategies (in particular with developing and recording Impact for the next REF exercise).
College International Group (CIG) Explore initiatives for change and sharing best practice within the global community.

College Education Committee Remit (CEC)

Formulates and drives forward policy and strategy relating to learning and teaching, in line with College and University strategic priorities for taught programmes.

College Library and Information Strategy Committee (CLISC)

Develops and oversees implementation of the College Information Strategy.  Provides strategic direction on the College’s library needs to the University Library services.  Facilitates communication across and within the College and its Schools on library and information strategy matters.  Acts as a channel of communication and consultation between University Knowledge Strategy, Library and IT committees and the relevant College and School committees.
College Quality Assurance Committee (CQAC) Develops and monitors the application of University quality assurance policies and procedures for undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses and programmes within the College.
College Research Committee (CRC) Develops and implements the College strategy for research, innovation and knowledge exchange.
College Research Ethics Integrity Committee (CREIC) Meets once a year to discuss pertinent issues and share best practice amongst the Schools.
College Strategy and Management Committee (CSMC) Formulates and drives forward strategy and policy relating to all aspects of College business.
College Postgraduate Research Committee (CPRC) Formulates and drives forward policy and strategy relating to postgraduate researcher training in line with College and University strategic planning.

Historic committees

Committee name Description
College Computing and IT Committee (CCITC) This Committee is no longer active. The College Computing and IT Committee (CCITC) and the College Library Committee (CLC) have been merged to form the College Library and Information Strategy Committee (CLISC), but past agendas and papers may still be found via this link.
College Library Committee (CLC) This Committee is no longer active. The College Computing and IT Committee (CCITC) and the College Library Committee (CLC) have been merged to form the College Library and Information Strategy Committee (CLISC), but past agendas and papers may still be found via this link.
College Researcher Training Committee (CRTC) Promotes good practice in research training and professional development for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and academic staff.
College Learning and Teaching Committee (CLTC) Formulates and drives policy and strategy related to teaching and learning in line with College and University strategic planning.