Research Misconduct Informal Reporting Form

The College of Science and Engineering form for reporting research misconduct allegations.

Before completing this form it is recommended that you read the University’s research misconduct policy

Please also check your school/centre's webpages for information:

School of Biological Sciences

School of Chemistry

School of Engineering


School of GeoSciences

School of Informatics

School of Mathematics

School of Physics & Astronomy


Research Misconduct checklist - important, please read before completing the form

The following is the University of Edinburgh’s definition of Research Misconduct.

Research misconduct includes:

  • fabrication: making up results or other outputs (e.g. artefacts) and presenting them as if they were real
  • falsification: manipulating research processes or changing or omitting data without good cause
  • plagiarism: using other people’s material without giving proper credit misrepresentation: for example, misrepresentation of data, of interests, of qualifications or experience, or of involvement, such as inappropriate claims to authorship or attribution of work
  • breach of duty of care: breach of confidentiality such as disclosing the identity of individuals or groups involved in research without their consent; improper conduct in peer review such as failing to disclose conflicts of interest; or not observing legal and ethical requirements or obligations of care
  • failure to meet ethical, legal and professional obligations: for example, failure to declare competing interests; misrepresentation of involvement or authorship; misrepresentation of interests; breach of confidentiality; lack of informed consent; misuse of personal data; and abuse of research subjects or materials
  • improper dealing with allegations of misconduct: failing to address possible infringements such as attempts to cover up misconduct and reprisals against whistleblowers.

Please note that allegations of misconduct in research can cover acts of omission as well as acts of commission, i.e. things an individual may have failed to do as well as things they may have done.

Having read this definition, if you believe that research misconduct has occurred then please complete and submit the following details. 

Your submission will be treated in the strictest confidence. For details of the complete procedure, please see the link to the University of Edinburgh policy above

Your details
Please select your school/centre.

Your Named Person will be Eric Schirmer

Your Named Person will be Julien Michel

Your Named Person will be Timm Krueger

Your Named Person will be Neil Chue Hong

Your Named Person will be Sam Staddon

Your Named Person will be Peggy Seriès

Your Named Person will be Arend Bayer

Your Named Person will be Graeme Ackland

Is your Named Person conflicted?
Your allegation will be sent to the person above for initial review. If you believe that this person is conflicted and cannot therefore impartially review your allegation, please select Yes from the box below and enter a reason into the box as to why this person is conflicted. If you select Yes then your allegation will instead be sent to the College Named Personfor review. If you believe that the College Named person is also in conflict, please consult the University's Whistleblower Policy.

University Whistleblowing Policy

Your Named Person will be Professor Jane Hillston (College Named Person)

Respondent details
School/centre of respondent
Please select the school/centre of the respondent
The respondent is the person you are making research misconduct allegations against. If you have multiple respondents, please give their details in the misconduct details section below.
Misconduct details
Please enter details of your research misconduct allegation here. Please briefly detail, with date(s) if possible, the instance(s) which you consider constitute(s) research misconduct and the specific subtype of research misconduct you feel this represents.

Please confirm the following, these boxes must be ticked for the form to be submitted.

I declare that I have consulted the University of Edinburgh Research Misconduct Policy and relevant School/centre websites
I believe this allegation concerns an instance of research misconduct
I consent to the University of Edinburgh processing this information and retaining it as long as is necessary to investigate the allegation
This information will be kept in the strictest confidence consistent with the Research Misconduct Policy.