Applicants unable to take standardised tests to meet our undergraduate entry requirements may be able to take the University of Edinburgh selection tests. Why do I need to take the selection tests? If your school leaving qualification is not an approved qualification for entry to the University of Edinburgh, you will be offered the opportunity to take one or more selection test(s). The results from these will be used in combination with your school leaving qualification to determine if your academic performance meets the entry requirements for your chosen degree programme. If you are eligible to take these tests, we will contact you directly and provide further information about how to take these tests in your offer. Please note it is unlikely we will be able to consider applicants to programmes where entry is highly competitive, for example programmes in our School of Informatics and School of Mathematics, through this route. What selection tests do I need to take? The selection tests you need to take, and the pass mark you need to get in the tests, will depend on which degree programme you have applied for. Expand to see selection tests by programme and passmarks Degree ProgrammeSelection Test(s)Pass MarkBiological SciencesBiology & ChemistryChemistry at 70% and Biology at 60%ChemistryChemistry & MathematicsMaths at 80% and Chemistry at 60%EngineeringMathematics & PhysicsMaths at 80% and Physics at 60%Chemical EngineeringChemistry & MathematicsMaths at 80% and Chemistry at 60%Civil EngineeringMathematics & one of Biology, Chemistry or PhysicsMaths at 80% and Biology or Chemistry or Physics at 60%Electronics & Computer ScienceMathematics & PhysicsMaths at 80% and Physics at 60%MathematicsMathematics 85%InformaticsMathematics 85%PhysicsMathematics & PhysicsMaths at 80% and Physics at 60%GeophysicsMathematics & PhysicsMaths at 80% and Physics at 60%All other GeoSciences programmesTwo of Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry/BiologyTwo of these at 60%MA GeographyNot available through this route Further information Frequently asked questions about our admissions tests. Selection tests FAQs This article was published on 2024-05-20