The King's Buildings History Exhibition

A brief history of the development of The King's Buildings campus during its first century.

KB Campus history panels
The information panels at King's Buildings

The exhibition consists of a series of aerial photographs of King's Buildings from 1920 onwards. Alongside each image we have included a brief description of the work undertaken at that time, showing how the campus has evolved over the last one hundred years.

The information panels below can also be seen at King's Buildings, mounted at the side of the path between the Nucleus Building and the Mary Brück Building.

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If you would like further information, or if you know of other aerial images, please contact

Image permissions

1914 OS map This partial print has been permitted for non-commercial, educational use from the Ordnance Survey 25-inch edition, 1914. Permission of the National Library of Scotland.
1920, 2019 The University of Edinburgh is the rights holder of these prints; permission is required for their re-use.
1921, 1946, 1963, 1965, 1969, 1971, 1974, 1992

These images were found stored in University premises, and despite extensive searches in collections, archives, within the University and elsewhere we have been unable to determine their origin. Accordingly, we have obtained Orphan Works Licences from the UK Intellectual Property Office, covering non-commercial use for our exhibition. If you have any information on the provenance of these images we would like to hear from you: contact Peter Reid from the College of Science and Engineering:


This print is used with permission by the Canmore Collection (item 1315439), and can be purchased for download at the following link:

1931 Edinburgh City Archives are the rights holder for this image (ref. Acc477, img#42), and have given permission for non-commercial use in our exhibition.

This print is used with permission by the Canmore Collection (item 1438269), and can be purchased for download at the following link: