Integrity training

Research Ethics and Integrity is not limited to the establishment of strong Ethics review procedures. The CSE framework has set some additional guidelines to foster a culture of integrity from pre-award stage until publication. 

The College framework hopes to raise Integrity awareness as part of a broader commitment to professional research training. Amongst many others, Research Integrity includes issues such as: 

  • Digital image manipulation
  • Inappropriate use of project funding
  • Pressure from funders about research conclusions 
  • Dealing with colleagues with hypothesised lower standards of ethics
  • Authorship on papers and citation agreements
  • Publication of the same result multiple times
  • Open data/access

Training by the Schools

The College Office, Schools and REIRG work together to raise awareness of ethical issues in research and develop appropriate training materials. This can be done through the new staff induction programme, a series of workshops for existing staff, and/or information published on the web. 

Schools should integrate Integrity training in all new staff inductions, and seek ways of engaging with continuing staff on Research Ethics. Schools currently run off-site Ethics Days, PhD inductions, drop-off advice sessions. All events are advertised on the relevant School's website.

Online Training

The University runs a self-enrolment Introduction to Research Integrity course on Learn, open to staff and students, which is collection of short videos and materials on common integrity issues researchers might encounter. To access this please log on to Learn via the MyEd portal and search for the course "Research Integrity" within the self-enrolment options.

How to access Learn

There is also Global Research Ethics and Integrity online course (GREIM). The programme is a joint project of members of Universitas 21, an international network of universities in 12 countries, which seeks to engage postgraduate students in considerations of ethical issues in a global context. 

Global Research Ethics and Integrity Training

MANTRA is a self-paced online course covering the essentials of research data management. It is designed for doctoral students and other researchers. The course is open access and hosted online by the University Data Library.

Data management training