Unsuccessful applications

Information for unsuccessful applicants

We are sorry we have been unable to make you an offer.  We understand this will be disappointing news and wanted to give you some information on the reasons behind the decision.

There are a range of reasons why an application may be unsuccessful and we have listed the most common reasons below. Alongside the feedback you have received on our decision via UCAS Hub, we hope that the information below will help you understand why we have been unable to make you an offer.   


If after reading this information you feel that none of these reasons apply to you, or you still do not understand why your application has been unsuccessful, then you can request further feedback.

Before making your request please read the information in our Admissions Feedback, Appeals and Complaints policy.  Please ensure you include your name, UCAS number and the degree you have applied for in your feedback request.


 Request further feedback on an unsuccessful application