Student profiles

What current international students are saying about our programme.

Independent thinking encouraged

Kay Song Ang (Singapore): Electronics and Electrical Engineering

The University cultivates an independent mentality by introducing numerous projects for me to work on, yet it ensures that help is at hand whenever I need it, with for example classes and tutorials.

Lecturers ensure that they are on hand whenever I need to consult them on certain issues. Some of them even inspire me to go that extra mile to get things right and I am really privileged to be able to learn from them.

Although the workload expected of me is enormous, I know that having gone through some tough times I am in a better position to handle what working life will throw at me.

Ideal learning environment

Huanian Liu (People’s Republic of China): MSc in Informatics

I asked two Scottish friends for advice about coming to Edinburgh and they said it was better than Glasgow for the weather and the accent!

I like studying here because of the good facilities and professors, and the city of Edinburgh.

It is also a quiet city which is good for studying and it makes me put all my heart into it. I like the summer here because it is not as hot as in China but I don’t like all the rain!

I would advise you to come if you like a challenge. I love a challenge and that is part of the reason I came.

Maiko Yamaji (Japan): Genetics

What I like about studying here is the fact that Edinburgh is a very student-oriented city.

It is not too big, unlike London, which makes walking easier and the weather helps to you to concentrate on studying!

Edinburgh is not as dangerous as London and most of the night life is in one area which is very convenient and you can save a lot of money.

Although there are assessments during the course which makes you study all year round, I don’t think it is as intense as Oxford or Cambridge.

You will certainly get more life to enjoy. You will study extensively if you come here but still find time to relax and the regular assessments mean that the exams at the end of year are not so stressful.

World-class facilities and faculty

Kavita Thomas (United States of America): Informatics

I came here to do my PhD in Informatics because Edinburgh is renowned for its cross-disciplinary approach to computational linguistics, which is the area I'm focusing on for my PhD.

In particular, the links between the Cognitive Science Department and the Human Communication Research Centre (HCRC) have proven very useful, since many well-known researchers at the forefront of their areas in computational linguistics are all located under one roof, so to speak, at Edinburgh.

The Division and the Institutes, and centres like the HCRC also attract many diverse visiting researchers, leading to many talks and colloquia that are very informative and helpful for postgraduate students, and allow a lot of exchange of ideas.

World-wide reputation

Kristin Hochweller (Norway): Cell and Molecular Biology

The University has a good reputation and is well known for immunology. It also has well-funded institutions as well as good connections to other institutes all over the world.

I like the diversity of things in Edinburgh, in the University as well as in general. For example, the different nationalities, the vast amount of things to do and the Festivals all year round.