Careers Service

Located on the first floor of the Nucleus, the Careers Service aims to engage with students in a friendly, professional and responsive manner.

Located at the very heart of the King's Buildings campus affords the Careers Service a huge opportunity to engage with students, capitalising on the accessibility, collaboration spaces and high visibility to deliver a service that is friendly, professional and responsive. Students can have a quick chat with one of our student advisers on the help desk - 10 am till 4 pm daily. They can also access the following support:

A student with Careers Advisor at the Careers Service in the Nucleus Building
A student with Careers Advisor at the Careers Service in the Nucleus Building

What lies ahead?

Using the space in creative ways, bringing in employers and alumni to facilitate small discussions and events, more informal ‘careers café’ conversations and potential for student led activity. The Careers Service is keen to involve students in this next phase – please share any ideas or suggestions with