Other spaces and services

Information on other spaces at the Nucleus Building.

Water points

There are 3 cold water taps to the left of the Nucleus café counter on the ground floor. Floors one, two and three also offer hot and cold water taps at the heat and eat stations located at the front of the building, above reception.

Water points at the Nucleus Café
Water points at the Nucleus Café

Heat and Eat stations

These are located at the front of the building, directly above reception on the first, second and third floors. They are equipped with a microwave and instant hot and cold water taps. There are no fridges. 

Kitchen facilities including microwaves are available
Kitchen facilities including microwaves are available

Baby feeding room

This is located in the Nucleus Building, behind the cafe area.  The breast feeding room features a comfy chair, fridge, sink with hot and cold water and a small table.  The room provides an hygienic and private space for those who wish to breast feed privately, or express breast milk.

Room with a chair, sink, small table and fridge
Baby feeding facilities

Accessible toilets / gender neutral toilets

There are ladies’, men’s and disabled toilets on the lower ground floor to the left of the lifts. These are also on floors one and two, also to the left of the lifts, and on the third floor near the study spaces. The ground floor has a gender-neutral toilet beyond the café and there is another one on the third floor, located near the study spaces.


The Nucleus has three lifts accessing all floors. The larger goods lift is able to accommodate a mobility scooter.