Get involved

How to get involved in various activities relating to the Nucleus.

About the CSE Nucleus Student Activities Fund

This fund was created by the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) as a trial to support student activities taking place in the Nucleus Building.  The fund will provide one-off financial contributions of normally up to £500 (but in exceptional circumstances up to £1000) to support, enhance and develop student-led activities taking place in the Nucleus.  All proposals may not be funded to the full amount requested, as part funding of activities may be used to ensure the greatest number of applications are supported. 

The panel will assess proposals on a rolling basis, endeavouring to inform applicants (whether successful or unsuccessful) within 10 working days. 

The fund will be open to applications at four (4) points during the year, with deadlines of: 

  • 15th of November (for activities at the start of semester 2);  

  • 15th of February (for activities at the end of semester 2);  

  • 1st of May (for activities at the start of following academic year’s Welcome Week); and  

  • 1st of September (for activities at the end of Semester 1).  


The aim of the College is to ensure that the Nucleus is well utilised by staff, students and the community, and that students have a sense of “ownership” of the building – in that it serves their needs.  The CSE Nucleus Student Activities fund aims to encourage students to use the spaces within the Nucleus for social and community building activities (alongside the learning that they will be doing in their courses and programmes).  Therefore, the activities supported MUST take place in or around the Nucleus building. 

The fund also intends to support wider aims within the College and University, and therefore activities should seek to achieve one or more of the following: 

  1. Build a sense of community (ideally across all Schools and units within the College of Science and Engineering); 

  1. Uses spaces within the Nucleus in novel ways; 

  1. Encourage engagement with the wider community; 

  1. Improve the student experience; and/or 

  1. Support student wellbeing 

Funding will not be provided for alcohol or for fundraising events for external charities.

Information for funding support for fundraising events.

Beyond that, all ideas and proposals are welcome as the fund aims to encourage and support a wide range of activities.  Any non-consumables (e.g. equipment) purchased as part of the activity would normally be retained by the College of Science and Engineering for use to support future student society activities at the Nucleus (unless by special circumstances). 


The fund is open to any student society recognised by Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) or any CSE student group.  The activity must be held within or on the grounds around the Nucleus Building.  Activities that have already taken place at the time of the relevant deadline will not be eligible for funding.   

Selection process and criteria 

All applications are assessed by a group of CSE staff and students.  The group will contain three student members of the Nucleus Student Task group, on a rotating basis and each representing different Schools within the College, and three members of staff: the academic lead supporting the Nucleus Student Task group, the College Events Manager, and a staff representative from one of the Schools in the College. 

Applications should be made using the online proposal form and should where text is requested it should be no longer than 200 words for a given response. 

You will be asked to upload a completed Nucleus NSSSF Budget Request Template during the Online Proposal Form.


Each application is assessed on its individual merit according to the selection criteria outlined below. 

Assessment Criteria


The proposal must detail what spaces it will utilise in or immediately outside of the Nucleus.   

The proposal should express clearly the activity planned, which of the aim(s) of the Nucleus Student Activities fund it intends to meet, and how it will meet that/those aims. 

Priority will be given to proposals that intend to build student communities across the College of Science and Engineering (as opposed to being School-specific events).  Generally, the broader the scope of student involvement and benefit, the greater the chance of the proposal being accepted.  Similarly, seeking to have a broader impact with the wider community, using the spaces in novel and innovative ways, improving the wellbeing and experience of the largest group of students will be viewed preferentially. 


The proposal must describe what support is needed to be able to be effective, and how it will allow the activity to succeed.  This should include a detailed breakdown of costs and why the cost is justified.  There should also be a rough timeline for organising the activity to demonstrate that it can be done in the timescales available. 


The panel assessing proposals will endeavour to inform applicants, whether successful or unsuccessful, within 10 working days of the deadline.  Late applications will not be considered. 

Funds will be transferred to a registered Society bank account shortly after the decision to support the activity has been made.  If the proposal is not put forward by a registered student society, expenses can be claimed directly. 

If the proposal is successful, the following conditions will apply: 

  • The grant must be used for the purposes awarded. 

  • The College of Science and Engineering must be acknowledged on any advertising or material used in conjunction with the activity. 

  • Any unspent funds must be returned to the College of Science and Engineering after the activity has concluded, or within one year from the date of the award. 

  • You must submit a short report on the activity after it is completed, which should be sent to together with your claim form.  Details will be sent with you notice of being successfully funded. . 

  • Any non-consumables purchased with the funds must be returned to the College of Science and Engineering after the event, unless special arrangements have been agreed with the College.