
Information on community-based services and facilities available from the Nucleus Building.


All about the artwork you can find in and around the Nucleus Building and King's Buildings.

All about the artwork you can find in and around the Nucleus Building and King's Buildings.

Bare Productions using a university space for rehearsals in July 2023

Information on booking the Nucleus for a community group or activity.

How to get involved in various activities relating to the Nucleus.

How to get involved in various activities relating to the Nucleus.

The outdoor table tennis table at King's Buildings

We have several leisure facilities available.

Information on the cycle storage available at the Nucleus Building.

Information on the cycle storage available at the Nucleus Building.

The centre of King's Buildings with the two green barbecues to the right

Two community barbecues are available for student and staff use in the green heart of the campus to the front of the Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library.