Careers and Alumni

Explore your future career options and meet our alumni


Our MSc graduates go on to pursue a wide variety of careers and further study at PhD level. The School of Chemistry actively supports and guides its students in their career aspirations.

The Careers Service has a dedicated member of staff assigned to each subject, enabling you to receive specialised career support. As well as offering bookable appointments, you can also speak to them at weekly drop-in sessions.

Our global alumni network

The University of Edinburgh has a diverse community of alumni spread across the world. In the School of Chemistry, we provide opportunities for students to connect with this global network during their studies through panel discussions, workshops and dedicated online communities. From getting to know Edinburgh to transitioning to life after graduation, students benefit from the valuable insights of our supportive School of Chemistry alumni.

Chemistry graduates progress into a large variety of different careers, including:

  • industrial and academic research
  • finance and business 
  • manufacturing
  • teaching
  • science communication
  • consulting

Get to know our graduates and find out about their career paths through our alumni profiles. 

An MSc in materials chemistry not only allowed me to discover my research interests but also proved my research skills and understanding of chemistry, allowing me to pursue a PhD in a topic I am very interested in.

The MSc programme gave me more diverse skills and knowledge, enabling me to choose from different career fields. It also makes me more competitive in applying jobs requiring academic English.

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